Auram Block Press

Specifications of the Press 3000

The frame of the Auram press 3000 can presently fit 19 moulds to produce about 80 different Compressed Stabilised Earth Blocks.

•    High output from the automatic opening and ejection system:
      Theoretical output = 1000 strokes/day. = 125 Blocks / Hour (plain full size blocks)
      Practical output = 850 strokes/day. = 106 Blocks / Hour (plain full size blocks)
•    Handling of the press with 3 men
•    Mix preparation and block stacking with 4 men
•    High and adjustable compression ratio from 1.6 to 1.83 (1.77 for 9 cm height)
•    Micro adjustment of compression ratio
•    Double compression with the folding back lid
•    Rollers to move the press on site: Only 2 men are needed.
•    Block height adjustable with ring spacers: 2.5 cm and from 5 to 10 cm (recommended is 9 cm)
•    Micro adjustment of block height: 0.5mm accuracy
•    Interchange ability of moulds
•    Moulds are provided for making 4/4, 3/4 & 1/2 sizes
•    Self-stability with the adjustable braces
•    Very easy maintenance with grease nipples and grease gun
 •    Available force : 150 Kn. (15 tons)
 •    Compression Pressure : 2.7 to 5.3 Mpa
 •    Compression ratio : Up to 1.83
 •    Block height : 25 and 50 to 100 mm
 •    Mould depth : 85 to 183 mm
 •    Piston stroke : 34 to 52 mm
 •    Folding back lid stroke : 25 mm
 •    Length of cycle : 15 seconds
 •    Theoretical output : 125 stroke per hour
 •    Practical output : 106 stroke per hour
 •    Lid opening : Automatic
 •    Manpower : 3 (machine) + 7 men
 •    Maintenance : Grease nipples
 •    Net weight (Frame + mould +tools + spare parts + hopper) : 365 kg  to 415 kg
 •    Package weight : 485 kg to 535 kg
 •    Working encumbrance (L x W x H) : 4.00 x 1.50 x 2.90 m
 •    Transportation encumbrance (L x W x H) : 0.80 x 0.70 x 1.40 m


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