15 awards: 4 International & 11 National awards
Auroville Earth Institute has garnered 15 awards for its work, including four international awards and eleven national awards.
AVEI has also been Finalists for 3 Prestigious International Awards:
- 2007 “Aga Khan Award for Architecture” for Al Medy mosque built in 7 weeks in the heart of Riyadh
- 2000 “World habitat Award” (Building and Social Housing Foundation, UK) for Vikas community at Auroville
- 1992 “Aga Khan Award for Architecture” for the Visitors Centre at Auroville
Contact US
- Address:Auroville Earth Institute, Auroshilpam, Auroville 605 101 - T.N. India
- Phone:+91 (0) 413 - 262 3330 / 262 3064
- Email:info@earth-auroville.comOpens in your application