Office of the Earth Institute
- Stability Notions
- Stability Calculations
- Arches Vaults & Domes (AVD) Construction
- Office of the Earth Institute
- Egyptian Vault
- Catenary Vault
- Deepanam AVD
- Semicircular Vault
- Equilateral Pointed Vault
- Bucket Pointed Vault
- Dhyanalinga dome
- Segmental Groined Dome
- Gayatri dome
- Equilateral groined vault
- AVD Video clips
The office of the Auroville Earth Institute has been built at different period of time, according our need of expansion.
The initial development of the office was the opportunity to show various types of vaults, domes, which had been traditionally built worldwide, such as: hemispherical dome on pendentives, octagonal dome, cloister dome on squinches, segmental vaults, etc.

At the second stage, some research was conducted to build vaults and domes in different ways and with shapes which are not commonly seen.
This research was the opportunity to develop the free spanning technique, especially for the method with horizontal courses. Note also that one of the aims was to minimize the use of specially made templates and formworks, so as to use what was available on site: skilled labour which has been trained, regular tools and components of the building, such as window frames.

Contact US
- Address:Auroville Earth Institute, Auroshilpam, Auroville 605 101 - T.N. India
- Phone:+91 (0) 413 - 262 3330 / 262 3064
- Email:info@earth-auroville.comOpens in your application