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This is a one-of-a-kind 7-day workshop, and sure to be a lot of fun! We will cover a variety of topics including CEB making and laying, barrel vault construction, compost toilet installations, and earthen plaster. You won’t want to miss this one!

Dates: 11th to 17th June 2018
Venue: Golden, Colorado, USA

Poster: “BABS” Workshop

Every four years, Dachverband Lehm e.V. organizes the international LEHM symposium, bringing together hundreds of participants from around the world. The 2016 conference will be held in Weimar, Germany. There will be lectures and poster sessions, as well as field trips to site of interest.

Dates: 12th to 14th November, 2016
Venue: Weimar, Germany

Web site:

The UNESCO Chair for Earthen Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Valencia is hosting a course on Compressed Earth Block construction on 25, 26, & 27 June 2015. The course will combine lectures and practical exercises.
Venue: Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

For more information, click here.

Jeff Rottler, Jim Hallock, Leo Eufracio and CATIS Mexico are presenting a three-day Compressed Earth Block and natural plasters workshop in beautiful San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, November 13th, 14th and 15th.
Venue: CATIS-Mexico Institute, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

For more information please see:

Terra 2016 will bring together hundreds of the world’s leading experts in earthen architecture in Lyon, France from 10th to the 14th of July 2016. The call for papers starts the 10th of October 2014!
Venue: Lyon, France

For more information please see the flyer.

Jeff Rottler, Jim Hallock, Leo Eufracio and CATIS Mexico are presenting a three-day Compressed Earth Block and natural plasters workshop in beautiful San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, November 13th, 14th and 15th.
Venue: CATIS-Mexico Institute, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

For more information please see:

Auroville Green Practices, a project of Auroville Consulting to provide access to the wealth of ecologically- and community-minded educational opportunities in Auroville, is hosting a summer school from 21 July to 11 August in Auroville, called “The 3H Summer School: From Cradle to Cradle; Building for Responsible Consumption”. It represents an excellent opportunity for students to get hands-on experience in sustainable design and construction.
Venue: Auroville, India

For more information please see their brochure.

Introductory three-day seminar to compressed earth blocks construction taught by Jim Hallock, Jeff Rottler and Leo Eufracio
Seminar is scheduled for 25th – 27th July 2013
Venue: CATIS-Mexico Institute, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

For more information please visit:

The annual Auroville Green Practices Conference will be held at Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India. This year’s conference will explore the subject of Eco-Productive Cities.The conference will examine closed-loops systems of biotic waste streams for regenerative and productive urban city and landscapes. The Green Practices Conference will also address issues such as Bio-regional planning (urban-ruralintegration), eco-productive building envelopes, edible & curative landscaping, regenerative human waste management, biodegradable waste management, sustainable site management, and others.

Conference is scheduled for 5th – 7th September

The brochure for the conference is available at:

Natural Building is the realignment of our space and consciousness with Mother Nature.
Earthen Hand workshops seek to empower people with information and hands-on instruction for a self-reliant, ecological lifestyle. We are dedicated to educating people about the possibilities of empowerment through ecological building. Workshops offered focus on skills and intuition that allow a builder to create within a natural harmony.

Workshop Schedule – updated 01 February 2013
Off-grid Bathhouse, North Kohala, Big Island Hawaii – April 6th – 14th
Earthbag Roundhouse Intensive, Negril, Jamaica – April 21st – 30th
Earthen Paints – distance learning, Your house – Anytime

To learn more contact us at or go to:

Phanganearthworks is stoked to announce two more two-week Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) Courses with internationally acclaimed teachers Rhamis Kent and Mustafa Fatih Bakir, to take place
Dates: February, 11 – 23 2013
Venue: Phangan island, Southern Thailand
To download flyer Click here


Two workshops from the Center for Appropriate Technology and Indigenous Sustainability – Mexico

This 4-day seminar is an intro-duction to the construction system of compressed earth blocks co-taught by two industry leaders and CEB pioneers, Jim Hallock and Jeff Rottler
Dates: August 13-16, 2012
Venue: CEDESA Campus, Dolores Hidalgo, GTO, Mexico
To download flyer Click here

A low-cost fuel alternative for home use and the developing world
This 2-day seminar workshop teaches about the value of using waste sources for fuel as an alternative to traditional wood cooking stoves that lead to deforestation.
Dates: August 17-18, 2012
Venue: CEDESA Campus, Dolores Hidalgo, GTO, Mexico
To download flyer Click here

Natural Building is the realignment of our space and consciousness with Mother Nature.
Earthen Hand workshops seek to empower people with information and hands-on instruction for a self-reliant, ecological lifestyle. We are dedicated to educating people about the possibilities of empowerment through ecological building. Workshops offered focus on skills and intuition that allow a builder to create within a natural harmony.

Workshop Schedule – updated 29 May 2012
Cob Oven Construction, South Point, Big Island – January 7th – 8th
Earthbag Construction, Mountain View, Big Island, Hawaii – January 21st – 25th
Adobe Brick Vault Construction, Dogon Country, Mali – February 19th – 29th
Adobe Brick Dome Construction, Cairo, Egypt – March 8th – 16th
Adobe Brick + Cob Sculpture + Plasters, Velarde, New Mexico – March 31st – April 1st
Finish Plaster + Earthen Paint (aliz), Velarde, New Mexico – April 21st – 22nd
Build an Adobe Horno / Cob Oven, Velarde, New Mexico – May 5th – 6th
Earthen Building Design, Portland, Oregon – May 19th – 20th
Cob Bottle Wall + Sculpture, inner SE Portland, Oregon – June 3rd
Earthbag Building Basics, Seattle, Washington – June 23rd – 24th
Plastering and Earthen Paints, Sequim, Washington – June 30th – July 1st
Earthen Floors – applying and finishing, Sequim, Washington – July 7th – 8th
Earthbag Earthship Intensive, San Luis, Colorado – July 14th – 31st
Masonry Heater Intensive, Sequim, Washington – August 18th – 19th, 25th – 26th
Rocket Stove Hot Tub, Portland, Oregon – September 8th – 9th
Mini Cob Sauna, Portland, Oregon – September 22nd – 23rd and 29th – 30th
Earthen Paints – distance learning, Your house – Anytime

To learn more contact us at or go to:

Dates: 26-28 April 2012
Venue: San Antonio, Texas
Two earth building companies and their personnel are pooling their talents to bring you this class.

From Texas, Lawrence Jetter and crew of Advanced Earthen Construction Technologies bring their knowledge of pressing machinery.
From San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, Jim Hallock and Jeff Rottler of Instituto Tierra y Cal A.C., bring their knowledge of lime stabilization in combination with compressed earth block construction.

Workshop details

Dates: 19-23 March 2012
Venue: Florence, Italy

The Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation, the University of Florence – Department of Architecture, and the College of Engineers of Tuscany organise the International Congress “Domes in the World” at Florence in November 3-6 2011.

This congress will gather high level scientific experts and professionals, but also enterprises and “non specialists”. Extended deadline for abstracts submission: 30th November 2010

Dates: : January 2012
Venue: Sidney and Maleny, Australia

Sydney, N.S.W. 16th to 18th
Maleny, Queensland 23rd to 25th

Get “Hands on Experience” with this revolutionary new building system for roof, walls and floors.
Design – Hempcrete – Hemp Plaster


Dates: December 8th – 10th, 2011
Venue: San Antonio, Texas, USA

Two earth building companies and their personnel are pooling their talents to bring you this class.
From Texas, Lawrence Jetter and crew of Advanced Earthen Construction Technologies bring their knowledge of pressing machinery.
From San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, Jim Hallock, and Jeff Rottler of Instituto Tierra y Cal A.C., bring their knowledge of lime stabilization in combination with compressed earth block construction.

Web site:

Natural Building is the realignment of our space and consciousness with Mother Nature.
Earthen Hand workshops seek to empower people with information and hands-on instruction for a self-reliant, ecological lifestyle. We are dedicated to educating people about the possibilities of empowerment through ecological building. Workshops offered focus on skills and intuition that allow a builder to create within a natural harmony.

2011 Workshop Schedule – updated 14th October
Earthbag Building in Portland, Oregon – July 30th – 31st
Earthbag Building in Portland, Oregon – August 13th – 14th
Earthbag Building and PAHS in Sequim, Washington – Augusut 27th – 30th
Mobile House Construction in Portland, Oregon – September 17th – 18th
Cob Bottle Wall + Sculpture in Portland, Oregon – September 24th
Mobile House Construction – September 17th – 18th
Cob Bottle Walls + Sculpture – September 24th
Earthen Plasters, Sequim – October 22nd – 23rd
Earthen Paints, Portland Community College SE Center, Oregon – November 5th
Earthen Paints (distance) – Anytime

To learn more contact us at or go to:

Dates: October 2011
Venue: Mokpo, Korea

In October 2011, the Department of Architecture of Mokpo National University (DOA-MNU), the National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage (NRICH), and the Earth Architecture Institute (TERRAKorea) of the Republic of Korea, is organising the 2011 International Conference on earthen Architecture in Asia. This conference is placed under the aegis of the UNESCO Chair Earthen architecture, building culture and sustainable development established at the National Superior School of Architecture of Grenoble (CRATerre-ENSAG), France, and of the International Scientific Committee on earthen architectural heritage (ISCEAH) of ICOMOS. Please see the PDF

Web site:

Dates: September 30, October 1 and 2
Venue: Albuquerque, New Mexico – USA

Earth USA 2011 conference is being held at the National Hispanic Cultural Centre which is an official partner of the event.

Web site:

Dates: 23rd, 24th, 25th September 2011
Venue: Cuenca de Campos, Valladolid, Spain

Web site:

Dates: Summer 2011

– A Paredes De Nava, Palencia, Espagne:
“Le Four De Steppe” / Juillet 18 au 31
Fabrication d’adobes et construction du four typique de double chambre: de la terre au pain.
“Atisbarro” / Août 1 au 14
Jeu et apprentissage : grands et petits réunissent mains + terre + soleil en modelant et fabriquant des adobes… pour le futur colombier didactique.
– A Villerias De Campos, Palencia, Espagne:
“Repaire-Jeu” / Août 5 au 18
Construction d’un jeu pour enfants en bauge, qui permet le modelage manuel… et la participation familiale.


Earthen Hand is now offering several brand new workshops this summer!
1) Teaming up with Lost Valley Education Center to offer an 8-week Eco-building course. See
2) Earthbag building is our most popular type of course.
3) Apprenticeship program this summer that is flexible to fit your schedule.
To learn more contact us at or go to:

Lorena Stove Building: June 10-12
8-week Eco-building Course:June 27-Aug 19
Straw-Clay + Earthen Plasters:June 18-19
Earthen Paints and Plasters: June 25
Cob Bottle Walls+ Sculpture: June 26
Earthbag Building: July 23-26 – July 30-31 – August 13-14


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